AtlantaPros Online Listing Presentation
Other Services Provided by the AtlantaPros for our Sellers
Filling out the paperwork to list your home is only the first step in the long, long list of steps that we will take before sitting right beside you at the attorney's office as you finalize the sale of your home. Using our years of real estate experience, combined with years of background experience in the the following fields: legal; radio & TV commercial copy writing; home construction; property investment & renovation; customer service; and computer technology, we will also competently and efficiently be performing most if not all of these other 40 important tasks and more:
- Data is collected from a number of real estate sources, analyzed, then shared with you. We want to familiarize you with the current economic conditions, the recent sales history of the real estate market for your area, the history of those homes that did NOT sell (and had to be re-listed), and the currently active listings that will be your competition for buyers. After this, we will help you sift through all this information to determine how your home compares to help you decide your most effective list price.
- Analyze your home - to assist you in properly staging your home to make it most conducive to a sale in a reasonable time and at its highest price
- Retrieve your home documentation (copy of deed, utility history, CC&Rs, etc.) to share with prospects and other agents.
- Confirm termite letter is ordered within the parameters of the listing agreement and as required by Georgia law.
- Take down your detailed information about your property to share with all of your potential buyers.
- Make copies of house key(s) for placement in lockbox to allow access to all portions of home and storage areas (crawl space, storage shed, etc.).
- Place electronic lockbox on your door that allows easy access to your home by other Realtors and their clients while at the same time securing your home by saving an electronic "fingerprint" identifying each and every agent that uses your home's lockbox to show your home. Input lockbox serial number into online program so we can keep track electronically of all the agents entering and retrieve feedback.
- Place sign in yard and place directional signs in locations appropriate to draw drive-bys to your home.
- Take digital photos (including returning to retake photos if they do not show your home in the very best light (e.g. cloudy days, rooms not in proper showing condition, etc.).
- Design and process your exclusive color brochures with photo(s), your home's information and well thought out property description for placement in your home and brochure box on your yard sign for all visitors, both inside and drive-by, to take home with them to remember your home.
- Keep flyers stocked both inside and in front of your home, as well as keep the flyers updated with current information as needed.
- Design your exclusive web page with printable flyer and digital photo tour, including carefully writing enticing copy & transcribing all of your property amenities to help paint mental pictures for your prospects.
- Place home on FMLS (First Multiple Listing Service), including full digital photo tour with special attention to assure only the very best pictures are included...showing your home in its very best light.
- Place home also on GAMLS (Georgia Metro Listing Service), including full digital photo tour with special attention to assure only the very best pictures are included...showing your home in its very best light.
- Home placed on as continued part of your Internet campaign.
- Generate/purchase print ads, other relevant marketing materials, direct mail campaign, envelopes, etc.
- Qualify buyers though a lender before taking them through your home.
- Set up appointments and show home to all "qualified" buyers that respond to marketing campaign.
- If buyer is interested in pursuing contract, designate another agent in our office to take buyer through the process. We do NOT participate in Dual Agency (representing you AND the buyer at the same time), as there is simply no way that can be accomplished while maintaining your best interests.
- Setting up open houses (if requested) with special advertising campaign and early sign placement (a few days prior), special document and marketing material preparation followed by the actual open house (day of open house usually consumes 6-8 hours of total prep and tear down for agent).
- Set up warranties for you to protect you during the listing period (if desired).
- Recommend repairs and assist in locating vendors to complete necessary items.
- Follow up with agents who've taken prospects to your home and return feedback to you.
- Follow up with our own prospects that we've shown the home to and forward feedback to you.
- Make further suggestions to you in response to feedback from agents and prospects.
- Continually update you on recent sales, expireds and newly listed homes affecting your home, so that you always know the position of your property in the current market.
- Re-evaluate pricing and market conditions consistently and be honest and timely in discussions with you, to help assure you're priced properly for the market and that your home does not get shop worn.
- All faxed offers and counteroffers are responded to immediately (with home office fax) to assure no opportunities are lost through unnecessary delays.
- Assist in all negotiations on all offers and counteroffers and help evaluate the buyer's potential level of motivation and ability to close.
- Follow up with all participants in any contract to help assure items don't fall through the cracks, including speaking with the purchaser's lender and their loan processor, checking on status of the appraisal, follow up on inspections and any required repairs, as well as working with the closing attorney on final document prep and title work.
- Assist you in performing all of your obligations and responsibilities of a contract to protect you from any breach or pitfalls.
- After contract remind you to order your updated termite letter (must be dated within 30 days of the closing).
- Keep you aware of available financing options that potential buyers may consider using to purchase your home.
- Provide to all area brokers any and all new updates to your home's features or changes in pricing or terms, etc.
- Keep my team available to you at any time, so any questions or concerns you may have can be handled/answered immediately in order to keep you free from stress.
- Represent ONLY YOU on any contracts or negotiations in order to help you attain the highest price and the best terms for you.
- Help you with the inspection process and negotiations of inspection items to help protect you from unnecessary or unexpected inspection repair expenses.
- Assist with vendors and creative ideas to properly fulfill your inspection repair items without undue expense or difficulties.
- Get a copy of the HUD final closing statement as early as possible from the attorney in order to discuss and correct any inconsistencies PRIOR to going to the closing table, again to reduce stress.
- Sit next to you at the closing table to help assure no last minute surprise issues come up without your representative there to watch over your interests.
As with any professional relationship (lawyer, doctor, accountant, etc.), your participation and cooperation positively affects your results.
We thank you for considering us and hope you'll allow us to assist you with the sale of your home.
- Our Complete Market Exposure
- Three Critical Factors to Selling Your Home
- Our Fair Market Value & Pricing Strategy
- Our Comparable Market Analysis (CMA)
- Our Other Listing Services