Buying a Home: What a Realtor Can Do for You
A good real estate agent won't sell you a home, but will instead help you to find and buy a home. A buyer's agent is more like a consultant whose job it is to assist you in:
- choosing the right property
- finding financing options
- negotiating contracts
- seeing that the contract's terms are carried out properly
- attending the final walk-through and closing with you
They act on your behalf so you can know that your interests are protected. After all, a real estate purchase is a complex legal transaction and probably the biggest investment you will ever make!
Some of the things you can expect from your Realtor:
- Guide you through the entire process for a smoother, less stressful transaction. Your Realtor will coordinate all aspects of the transaction for you, from setting up showings and getting you into homes to scheduling inspections and coordinating the final walk-through and closing.
- Advise you on issues such as:
- factors affecting resale for when you try to sell the home down the road (choosing a home is an emotional decision, a good agent will make sure you are looking at all the potential negatives so you can make a more confident, fully informed decision);
- market values
- offering price
- inspection concerns
- various terms you may want to include in an offer - there are many things you may ask from a seller that most buyers (especially first-time homebuyers) might never even think of.
- Handle multiple offer situations. The newest, hottest listings often receive multiple offers from prospective purchasers. An agent who is experienced with these situations can help make YOUR offer the one the seller accepts.
- A real estate agent can also help find properties that most specifically meet your needs. Our searches are more precise than anything you can do for yourself. We can narrow things down for you considerably, saving you time and getting you into your new home much faster.
- Best of all, the services of a Buyer's Agent are generally FREE to buyers in Georgia. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by hiring your own exclusive representation to protect YOUR interests!